International Caravanning Fellowship of Rotarians (ICFR)
Registered Users please login here:-
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Once logged in, you will be taken to the Offer to run a Rally page with you set as the Rally Marshall.

By signing into this Membership System you agree to your data being held for the exclusive use of members of ICFR
and agree to use any data which you access in accordance with the ICFR Privacy Policy as shown on our Website.
Your data is protected by industry standard encryption and by secure password protected access.

Your information held on the ICFR Membership System is protected by the ICFR Privacy Policy. In particular the data is
only held for use by member to member and any external use of this data is prohibited.

Your data is updated and viewed in accordance with the ICFR Privacy Policy by yourself, certain Executive and Area officers of ICFR
and limited data by any Rally Marshal or Booking Officer of a rally to which you apply. In addition, some of your information
can be seen by members of the Executive Committee of ICFR and other ICFR members so that they can contact you..

Your data is held to enable ICFR to contact you about ICFR, to enable ICFR to contact someone you specify in case of emergency
at an ICFR event or rally, to record your attendance at rallies (including details of your Caravan or Motorhome) and to ensure your safety
at ICFR events and rallies by keeping details of any allergies or dietary requirements. It is also held to enable members of ICFR to
contact each other to facilitate the aims of our Fellowship..

Please ensure that you have the permission of your emergency contact for their details to be held on the ICFR membership System.

The data will only be held while it is relevant to the purposes of ICFR and its members.

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